Okay, raise your hand if you had some level of orthodontic treatment as a kid. Now keep your hand up if you followed the treatment instructions all the way through to completion. [Wince!] Yeah… that’s what we thought.
The good news? You’re not alone.
About half of all kids who undergo some form of orthodontic treatment or preventative care in childhood let their continued care protocol lapse over time, resulting in their teeth shifting back to undesirable positions.
Friends, meet Adam.
Adam lives in the metro Atlanta area with his wife and two young daughters. In his youth, he had an orthodontic expansion appliance recommended to him, the goal of which was to hopefully avoid the need for braces. He wore it diligently for a while, but the older he got, the more he prioritized other aspects of his life and lost interest in keeping up with his orthodontic regimen.
And—you guessed it—his teeth began to shift back.
One of the main things that people wonder when considering getting Invisalign is: Will people notice I’m wearing it?
We asked Adam about his experience with this issue.
Adam shared that the only person the Invisalign is noticeable to is the one wearing it. Sure, if someone takes a close look, they might see something—but Adam says the only real hurdle to overcome is any self consciousness you may be feeling.
And hey, you’ve already had people all around you in the world wearing Invisalign. How often have you noticed? And if you have, how often has it bothered you in any way?
The point is, doing something nice for yourself is a great thing. People around you are in full support of that; all that’s left is to get onboard that self-care train and own it.
Not all of us are fortunate enough to have an orthodontic expert in the family, but Adam is! Enter Adam’s sister, who works at Decatur Orthodontics and naturally had an eye out for family members who could use some smile care.
Adam’s smile pre Invisalign treatment was… okay. In his own words, it “wasn’t terrible, but wasn’t perfect.”
We all know what that feels like: having those little things about our own appearance that just make us feel a little bit self conscious. Others might not even notice, but we notice.
Knowing her brother and his history with teeth crowding, Adam’s sister recommended he revisit orthodontic treatment in adulthood. Don’t cue the dramatic music; it’s really a lot easier than you think.
Towards the end of his Decatur Orthodontics Invisalign treatment, Adam’s ideal smile started taking shape in a way he could really see. What a feeling it is to see a winning smile on your own face!
Before treatment, Adam never really noticed his smile in pictures. Afterwards, he saw his radiant smile with pride. And his wife loves his new smile, too.
Now, Adam only has to wear retainers at night—which he does gladly to avoid additional straightening procedures in the future! Lesson learned!
Ahhh. Knowing that it’s easier than ever to prioritize your best smile is a good feeling. And Decatur Orthodontics is here to help.
We offer 100% free consultations to go over your treatment options, answer questions, and address any concerns you may have. Our Atlanta metro area orthodontic practice makes your ease and convenience a priority—all while bringing you the very latest in orthodontic technology.
We minimize your visits and maximize your comfort. Schedule time to connect with our team of experts today.