Terri is an avid reader who loves cooking and entertaining friends. She has lived in the Atlanta area for years, and has made a life for herself here.
In the 7th grade, Terri had braces—though only on her top teeth. As she got older, however, the teeth on the bottom began to move, altering the alignment of her bite to where it didn’t close at all on one side. On top of that, several teeth were crooked.
Terri made do with this misalignment for many years, but something made her pause to rethink things. As her mother aged, she noticed that dental issues were causing a lot of problems for her. Terri didn’t want to run into the same problems herself. She didn’t want to become yet another senior citizen with dental troubles.
As Terri puts it, she didn’t want crooked teeth to be her downfall!
Instead, she wanted to make sure she could maintain oral health well into her elder years. Terri committed to making sure that her teeth received renewed care to be properly aligned so she could have a healthy smile for years to come.
While many who seek Invisalign treatment hope to be able to show their teeth more in pictures and when smiling and laughing with friends, Terri actually had the opposite issue. The way her teeth were aligned before she started Invisalign treatment, she always had to show teeth when smiling.
In addition to oral health and improved bite functionality, Terri simply wanted to be able to have a close-lipped smile whenever that feels most natural to her. She wanted to feel at ease with her smile, not worry about how it looked or feel forced to smile in a certain way.
Terri did her research on Atlanta-area orthodontists. After reviewing and visiting several practices, Decatur Orthodontics spoke to her most, so she selected our practice to help her fix the present alignment issues she was noticing and prevent oral health problems down the road.
Terri’s treatment is still underway—and she loves the Decatur Orthodontics staff! She feels listened to and cared for, and notes that someone is always available to answer her questions as they arise.
Fun fact: Did you know that older patients’ teeth don’t move as quickly as younger patients’? Terri smiles as she shares this.
It’s true. The older we get, the more time it takes to adjust the alignment of our teeth—but you’re worth it.
Feeling great about your smile is within reach, and Decatur Orthodontics gives every smile a unique, customized treatment plan to help you reach and sustain your smile and oral health goals as quickly and comfortably as possible.
As Terri notes, the more progress you see along the way, the more confident you feel with the process. And we don’t mind saying, a compassionate team that supports you every step of the way helps, too.